Constant State

I planned to write about how thrilled I am to be back in Vermont because my memory does not disappoint… This place is truly magical! But when I opened my journal to start writing, a blank postcard fell out and it immediately made me think of my grad school art friend, Jamie R Allen.

I have several “art friends.” These are people who I value for being amazing humans in general but the bonus is that when they are in town, I know an art adventure is certain. One of these friends moved to Hawaii about 13 years ago and works there as a successful fine artist. We always plan an art adventure when she is home and over time, we also became ART pen pals.

Every few months, we connect through the mail. We send each other mini artworks, postcards from a good show we’ve seen, and other little surprises (stickers, articles, cool leaves, etc). The best days are when I check the mail and come across a gem from Hawaii. Artists are collectors and it’s a beautiful thing to share some of the things you come across.

Creativity is a constant state of being for me. I am always mentally and physically collecting visuals, materials, and ideas. If you see me staring off into the distance, I am probably thinking about how I can turn an idea into artwork OR… I’m thinking about what time I need to feed my kids dinner so they can make it to their activities on time!

Speaking of, my son asked me this morning why I need to go all the way to Vermont to make art. Valid question, kid. I explained that it is important for artists to have time to only focus on their art without other distractions. Mom guilt aside, I hope to be setting an example of what it means to follow your passion.

Here’s to an important week of transforming my collections into visual expressions (Jamie’s postcard included).