Arranging and Playing

Today was for cutting out imagery and to arrange and play with collage. These collages will be embedded inside of encaustic - a molten wax that can be applied to the surface and fused together layer by layer.

Collaging is my jam. I love collecting and cutting and arranging. There is something so cathartic about the process and the fun of the final product- the surreal little stories you can tell while playing with scale and space. There is so much potential to combine this with encaustic. One problem though… I’ve never really used encaustic and have no idea what I’m doing.

If you know me (if you’re reading this, you probably do), you know that I can be, let’s say, particular. I hold high expectations for myself and the people around me. While I have worked for many years on letting go, trying something brand spanking new in art feels insane. How can I be amazing at something if I have no idea what I’m doing?

Thankfully, my instructors are fantastic at breaking down the technicality of encaustic while encouraging me to find ways to connect it to my artistic style. As a teacher, i value proper instruction and encouragement (see previous paragraph) and am so grateful to have these talented women guiding me. Lorraine and Leah’s guidance allowed me to let go and just play. I still don’t really know what I’m doing but I do know that I’m having fun doing it.

Below are some panels that I worked on today. I’m not sure if they are finished or works in progress. That’s the beauty of encaustic- You can layer until the cows come home (or pigs and chickens if we’re talking about this particular farm) and choose to hide/reveal whatever is beneath it.

I am embracing the fact that I am truly not sure yet. Now that I have a better understanding of this new medium, I am really excited to see what tomorrow brings.

Oh! You guys! I met a local celebrity! The granddog of Hercules from Sandlot. This is a BIG deal in my house. Say hello to the giant and gentle, Phoebe.